Home \ Training \ Labor protection


          Our employees are highly qualified specialists. Most of them are ex. Government Authorities employees, whose experience and expertise are invaluable in the knowledge of the  RoK legislation requirements, as well as their regular monitoring in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and fire safety, allow us to successfully solve any problems arising from the  Client and find the best solution in the most difficult situations.


    Labor protection is a system for preserving the life and health of employees in the process of labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive and other measures.

At all enterprises, institutions, organizations, the health and safety of working conditions is assigned to the administration. The employer's obligations to create healthy and safe working conditions are enshrined in the regulations (statutes) on enterprises, collective bargaining agreements, internal labor regulations.


 The legal regulation of labor protection covers:

1) the development of general standards for labor protection, safety rules and industrial sanitation;
2) conducting preventive measures to prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases;
3) creation of favorable working conditions and ensuring its protection at operating enterprises in the process of performance of labor duties by employees;
4) training in occupational safety and health.


The training of managers and decision makers on occupational safety and health and the verification of knowledge takes place every three years. Based on the results of the training course, the final certification is conducted. The management team and engineers (engineers) who graduated from the training program and confirmed their knowledge receive a certificate, a certificate and a set of documentation, which can guide the organization of work. It includes normative documentation for the conduct of briefings and methodological materials.


As a result of the course, you gain knowledge of the following disciplines

  • The fundamentals of OSH management in the company;
  • How to organize training on occupational safety and safety at workers in the workplace;
  • Social issues;
  • Protecting victims of non-compliance with HES rules.



 Categories of persons in charge who need to be trained:
• Head of the enterprise, director, employee responsible for occupational safety and health, 
as well as all employers, including individual entrepreneurs and employees.
• The one who conducts and organizes industrial practice. 
• Each worker is a member of the safety regulations committee;
• HES specialist and representatives of trade unions on this issue.

 Training and testing of knowledge of workers in working professions is carried out at least once a year.

Training of workers in working professions is completed by checking knowledge on safety and labor protection, issuing a protocol and a certificate, a standard sample.




The training program on occupational safety and health includes such topics as:
 • General information;
• Legislation;
• All data on regulatory documents;
• organization of the system and its requirements.


Our teachers are guided by the laws in force, they use professional modern literature.

After training and obtaining the necessary knowledge, managers and responsible persons will have the right to conduct instruction on the safety and health of workers of their organization, check the knowledge of subordinate personnel, monitor compliance with labor protection in the controlled unit.



Course name

Q-ty of Hrs


(w/t VAT)


The program of training and certification of employers, managers of all levels of management and engineering and technical workers of economic entities on safety and labor protection for the establishment of a permanent examination board at the enterprise.


20 000


The program of training and certification of managers, engineers and technicians for safety and labor protection, not part of the permanent examination committee (PDEC) at the enterprise.


18 000


The program of training and certification of working and office personnel on safety and labor protection in the enterprise


15 000



If you have questions, please contact us:


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+7 701 296 49 39

+7 701 882 60 07

+7 (7122) 25 07 58



We focus on long-term partnership with our customers, so we respond in a timely manner to emerging problems.