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The services

          Our employees are highly qualified specialists. Most of them are ex. Government Authorities employees, whose experience and expertise are invaluable in the knowledge of the  RoK legislation requirements, as well as their regular monitoring in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and fire safety, allow us to successfully solve any problems arising from the  Client and find the best solution in the most difficult situations.

A significant role in the enterprise is played by technical documentation that determines the order of operational and production processes for the safe operation of a hazardous production facility.

      The list of technical documentation directly depends on the type of activity and specifics of your company, the correctness of registration and compliance with regulations and techniques requires special knowledge and skills that are available to experts of Engineer-Expert Service LLP.

        With our help, you are given the opportunity to prepare the necessary documentation in the shortest possible time and introduce it into the work of your enterprise.



Name of works and services

Basis for development

Cost of services


Development of industrial safety declarations of hazardous production facilities in the Petrochemical, oil and gas production, oil refining, mining, geological exploration, blasting, construction, energy, and boiler and gas facilities, lifting equipment, pressure vessels                                          

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection"
Article 76, paragraph 1, Hazardous industrial facilities subject to the mandatory declaration of industrial safety, which meet the criteria for classifying hazardous production facilities as declared, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


the price depends on the scope of the performing work and  quantity of  employees.



 Development of methodological documents in the field of industrial safety

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection"
Article 76, paragraph 1, Industrial safety is aimed at compliance with industrial safety requirements established in technical regulations, rules for ensuring industrial safety, instructions and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
the price depends on the scope of the 
performing work and  quantity of employees.

Development of the Regulation on industrial control

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection"
Article 16, item 3, paragraph 2 Organizations having hazardous industrial facilities and (or) attracted to work on them, the articles are obliged: to organize and carry out industrial control over compliance with industrial safety requirements

the price depends on the scope of the
performing work and  quantity of employees.


Development of technological regulations

Developed in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, rules for ensuring industrial safety, instructions and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

the price depends on the scope of the
performing work and  quantity of employees.


Technical surveys and certification of technical devices and equipment

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection"
Article 16, item 3, paragraph 2 Organizations having dangerous production facilities and (or) attracted to work on them, the articles are obliged: to carry out technical surveys of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities

the price depends on the scope of the
performing work and  quantity of employees.


We focus on long-term partnership with our customers, so we respond in a timely manner to emerging problems.